Discover the Breathtaking Views of Kintamani Lookout in Bali

Indonesian Name: Bukit Kintamani

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    Visit with a tour


    Located in the Batur village of Bali, Indonesia, Kintamani Lookout offers visitors a breathtaking view of the Batur caldera and the lake inside it. The lookout is a popular spot for photography, with stunning views and plenty of opportunities to capture the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

    The people who live in the Kintamani area of Bali are deeply devoted to their ancestral traditions, which have been passed down through generations. Despite the challenges posed by living in an area prone to volcanic eruptions, the locals have adapted their way of life to the conditions. There are also several villages in the area, including old Balinese Aga villages situated around Lake Batur.

    Indeed, Mount Batur erupted over 24 times since 1800.

    Lake Batur is an important source of irrigation water for Bali and is also a breeding ground for freshwater fish. The Kintamani area is known for its fertile soil, which makes it a top producer of fruit and vegetables on the island. Located at an elevation of around 400 meters above sea level, the area has a cool, refreshing climate during the day and can get quite cold at night.

    A visit to Kintamani Volcano is a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with one of Bali's last remaining active volcanoes. This is a chance to experience the raw power and majesty of this natural wonder, as well as learn more about the history and culture of the region. Whether you are an avid hiker, nature lover, or just looking for a unique and memorable experience, Kintamani Volcano is a destination that should not be missed.


    Central Batur, Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali 80652, Indonesia (See on Google Maps)


    Kintamani Lookout is located in the Batur village of Bali, which is known for its stunning natural beauty and cultural attractions. The lookout is easily accessible by car or public transportation.

    Address & Phone Number of Nearest Hospital for Emergency

    The nearest hospital to Kintamani Lookout is the Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah, located at Jl. Diponegoro No. 71, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The hospital's phone number is +62 361 227 911.

    Don’t forget to organise travel insurance for Bali so you are covered and not out of pocket for a large medical bill.

    Three Key Reasons To Visit

    The Stunning View of the Batur Caldera and Lake: Kintamani Lookout offers a breathtaking view of the Batur caldera and the lake inside it. The panoramic view is a sight to behold and is a must-see for any visitor to Bali.

    The Photographic Opportunities

    Kintamani Lookout is a popular spot for photography, with stunning views and plenty of opportunities to capture the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Whether you are a professional photographer or just enjoy taking photos, this is a great spot to snap some amazing shots.

    The Cultural and Historical Attractions

    In addition to the stunning views, Kintamani Lookout is also home to the Batur Geopark Museum, which offers visitors a chance to learn more about the history and geology of the area. The museum is a great way to learn about the cultural and historical significance of the region, as well as to explore the natural beauty of the area.

    Facts History, Myths and Legends for Mount Batur

    Kintamani Lookout has a long and storied history, with myths and legends that have been passed down through the generations. One such legend is the story of Mount Batur, which is believed to have been created by the gods to appease the hunger of the dragon king, Basuki. The dragon king was so pleased with the offering that he promised to protect the mountain and the surrounding region from harm.

    Mount Batur, also known as Gunung Batur, is an active stratovolcano located on the island of Bali in Indonesia. It stands at a height of 679 meters and is situated within a large caldera, which measures approximately 13.8 kilometers in length and 10 kilometers in width. The volcano is home to Lake Batur, the largest lake on the island, and is made up of a main cone with four summits and a main crater. There is also a smaller parasitic cone called Bukit Butus located on the western slope of the mountain.

    In September 2012, the area around Mount Batur was declared a UNESCO Global Geopark due to its cultural significance and natural beauty. The volcano is located around 300 kilometers north of the Java trench and sits above the north-dipping subduction zone beneath Bali, where the crust is roughly 20 to 25 kilometers thick. It has experienced two major eruptions in the past, the first of which occurred around 29,300 years ago and formed the first caldera. The second eruption, which occurred around 20,150 years ago, was accompanied by the eruption of andesitic to ignimbrite and resulted in the formation of the deeper caldera that is present today, as well as the creation of Lake Batur through the accumulation of rainwater.

    What To Expect When Visiting

    When visiting Kintamani Lookout, visitors can expect to be greeted with stunning views of the Batur caldera and lake. The lookout is a popular spot for photography, with plenty of opportunities to capture the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can also visit the Batur Geopark Museum to learn more about the history and geology of the area.

    Driving down into the crater of Mount Batur is a unique and unforgettable experience. The winding roads surrounded by black lava stone are a testament to the power and destructive force of the volcano, which has erupted numerous times throughout its history. As you descend into the crater, you will be greeted by the stunning views of Lake Batur, which is nestled within the caldera.

    As you travel around the lake, you will have the opportunity to meet some of the local villagers who call the caldera home. These hardy people have lived in the shadow of the volcano for generations, and are proud of their unique way of life. They are happy to share their stories and traditions with visitors, and offer a glimpse into the rich cultural history of the region.

    While visiting the shores of Lake Batur, you will have the chance to take in the stunning natural beauty of the area. The crystal-clear waters of the lake are surrounded by lush green foliage and towering peaks, creating a truly breathtaking landscape. Whether you are taking a leisurely stroll along the shore or indulging in a spot of fishing, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

    Overall, driving down into the crater of Mount Batur and exploring the winding roads surrounded by black lava stone is a truly unique and memorable experience. Whether you are a nature lover, history buff, or simply looking to escape the crowds and experience the tranquility of the countryside, this is a destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

    Photo Opportunities and Tips

    Kintamani Lookout offers a wealth of photo opportunities, with its stunning views of the Batur caldera and lake. To capture the best shots, it is recommended to visit the lookout during the golden hours of sunrise and sunset, when the light is at its most beautiful. It is also a good idea to bring a wide-angle lens to capture the full expanse of the view, and a tripod to help stabilize your shots.

    What Visitors Say They Liked About Visiting

    Visitors to Kintamani Lookout consistently rave about the stunning views of the Batur caldera and lake, as well as the opportunity to learn more about the history and geology of the area at the Batur Geopark Museum. Many also appreciate the restaurants along the ridge, which offer delicious food and drinks with unbeatable views.

    What Visitors Say They Did Not Like About Visiting

    Some visitors to Kintamani Lookout have noted that the lookout can be quite crowded, especially during peak tourist season. It is also worth noting that the lookout is located in a remote and rustic area, which may not be to everyone's taste.

    How Accessible is it for The Elderly, Children and Those With Mobility Issues?

    Kintamani Lookoutis generally accessible for elderly visitors, children, and those with mobility issues, as the lookout is easily accessible by car or public transportation. However, the lookout is located at a high elevation and may not be suitable for those with severe mobility issues or respiratory issues. It is recommended to check with a healthcare professional and assess your own physical capabilities before visiting.

    Safety Tips When Visiting

    When visiting Kintamani Lookout, it is important to take basic safety precautions. This includes wearing appropriate footwear and being aware of your surroundings at all times. It is also recommended to bring sun protection and stay hydrated, as the lookout is located at a high elevation and can get hot during the day.

    Typical Amount of Time to Allocate for a Visit

    The typical amount of time to allocate for a visit to Kintamani Lookout is dependent on what you hope to see and do while there. If you are just looking to take in the stunning views and snap a few photos, a half-day visit may be sufficient. However, if you want to visit the Batur Geopark Museum and explore the surrounding area, it is recommended to allow for a full day visit.

    Food and Drink Options Nearby

    There are several food and drink options available near Kintamani Lookout, including local warungs (food stalls) serving traditional Indonesian dishes and drinks. There are also several restaurants along the ridge that offer stunning views of the Batur caldera and lake, as well as a range of international and local cuisine. It is recommended to bring your own water and snacks, as the lookout is located in a remote area.


    Kintamani Lookout is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty and cultural significance of Bali. With its stunning views of the Batur caldera and lake, as well as the opportunity to visit the Batur Geopark Museum, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you are a photographer, history buff, or simply looking to relax and take in the beauty of the surrounding landscape, Kintamani Lookout is a destination that should not be missed.

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    Simon St John

    Editorial Team
    Hi, I’m
    Simon St John, Baligram’s writer. I am a published Author of travel guide books and a Travel Writer. I have visited Bali more than 35 times over a 25-year period. I share my passion for Bali’s nature, culture, and adventure in this travel guide. I welcome your feedback and ideas!
    Read about Simon and about Baligram.

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